Friday, October 9, 2015

Christmas 2015

My favorite son, yes he is my only son, informed me recently that he wanted to come to California for Christmas.
I am always up for visitors since we rarely get any.  It really saddens me more people don't want to come and enjoy that what is California. The invitation is always out there people.
A little ways back I convinced the DH that we didn't need to have beds in all three bedrooms. So we are now a two bedroom house with an office/sewing/crafting room.
Yes I got my own space to sew, quilt, knit and do office things but I might also have migrated just a little into the "guest bedroom". 
Okay a little might be a lot to some people so now I will have to sew, quilt, knit quickly to make some spot for him to sleep. 
He is my kid so I am hoping he will adjust. 
If not there is a Marriott down the road.

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